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Getting Your First 10 Sales As An Online Page: A Systematic Approach



May 18, 2023


Launching an online page for e-commerce can be daunting for newbies, especially when it comes to making the first few sales. Many business owners spend a lot of money on marketing when they first start out, but their efforts are often in vain because sales aren’t happening. Let’s have a look at a few strategies for making your first ten sales without breaking the bank in the process.

Build a sales funnel

AIDA model

In order to get a potential customer to make a purchase, it is important to map out the stages the consumer would go through while making the decision. A widely used approach for this purpose is the AIDA model: which is an acronym for Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action. The consumer must move through each of these steps to make the purchase, with fewer customers in every next step.

The goal of the Awareness section is to create brand recognition or affiliation with your product or service, which is done by effectively getting the content to the eyes of the consumer. The consumers can get to know about the product through boosted social media posts, promotions in relevant communities and advertisements. Once they have gotten acquainted with the product, in the Interest section, the consumer would want to know more about what your product has to offer, so persuasive content is essential to pique their interest. The next step, Desire, involves converting the interest into the wish to purchase the product. At ths stage, consumers have to be persuaded through messages or direct communication, so that the desire leads to purchasing the product, which bring us to the final stage, Action.

Defining the target market

It is essential that you identify your target market before embarking on these steps. Target marketing entails segmenting a market and focusing your marketing efforts on one or a few key segments of clients whose needs and desires are most closely aligned with your product or service offerings. This way, it makes promoting, pricing, and distributing your products and/or services easier and more cost efficient, as well as providing a focus to all of your marketing activities. The segmentation could be age-based: such as newborns, millennials, Gen-Z, boomers, so the marketing would be designed according to the age-group targeted. However, a broad age group category, such as 16-30 years old, might make it difficult to make strategies effectively. Target marketing can also be done by demographic segmentation: income, gender, family size, location, and so on.

Marketing planning and execution

Once you have identified your target market, the marketing plan has to be created, so that the potential customers has be targetted effectively. A marketing strategy is a set of procedures performed by a company to generate sales, build a brand, or highlight a product’s value proposition. It entices customers to learn more about a company or its products. To appeal to the customer, a business needs to understand who the customer is and how they make purchasing decisions. Companies might devise marketing strategies to achieve certain objectives.

Using modern tools

Enticing graphics and videos are a great way to capture the attention of potential customers. Canva is a free graphic design platform, where you can choose from thousands of design templates, using which you can edit your product photos, poster, promo clips, and other marketing videos in various formats for many platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Capcut also allows you to edit videos simply using your mobile phone. For those more experienced in the field of designing, Abode Suite softwares will be a good fit to create images and videos that look professional and engaging.

Staying updated with trends

In order to appeal to your target market, it is essential that will have to be up-to-date with the popular trends in your targeted age group or demographic. Tiktok is a great way to remain updated with trends, by watching the short videos in your For You page. This way, you can get to know about products that are viral and bring them for your customers at an attractive price point. In addition, you can incorporate trends in your marketing campaign, so that your consumers will find your platform relatable, thus increasing the chances of purchasing.

Customer support and retention

Be available to customers

To increase your chances of making sales, it is important that you are responsive to the queries and needs of your customer. Being unavailable when a customer expressed interest in our product reflects badly on the professional image of your business, possibly dampening the customer’s desire to buy.

Be wary of the tone

While running a business, you need to always be aware that the customer is king. Therefore, even when the customer is being unreasonable, it is important that you treat them with utmost respect in your tone, and make them feel valued.

Building customer loyalty

It is necessary to build a positive relationship with your customers, so that they repeat purchases with your business. You can offer special discounts and loyalty programmes, so that they return to your business again. Impressed by the positive experience.

In addition, as soon as you have completed your first one or two sales, you should politely request that your initial consumers leave a review. Inform them that you will be really grateful for their efforts to assist your small business in its growth. This will also help you gain much-needed consumer feedback. Including a small gift with their purchase enhances the likelihood that the consumer will recommend your business to their friends and family. Reviews are important because this gives the signal to potential consumers about the reliability of your business, increasing the chances of a purchase.

Some general tips

Innovative products

If your company is selling a cutting-edge product that your customers may not be familiar with, your marketing efforts must be more user-centric in nature. The products and the purposes for which they are intended could be demonstrated in videos, among other things. Involving influencers or media celebrities can assist in getting this product in front of a larger audience. Informing them of your personal experiences with the goods.

Product descriptions

In many cases, a bright and informative product description will entice new customers to test out the products, especially when combined with visually appealing product photos.While you are composing these descriptions, make sure to spend some time on making the captions as eye-catching as possible.

Promotional discount

This is a no-brainer in my opinion. However, you must be cautious not to offer such a large discount that you end up ruining the market for your product. Providing a launching discount can assist you in making your first ten sales, and the positive impression made by the product will encourage those consumers to return.

Influencer promotions

Because resellers tend to sell comparable products, it is necessary to invest time and resources into marketing the product in order to build a customer base. This could be accomplished through collaboration with influencers and the distribution of PR packages to them. Having your business page featured on the social media accounts of these influencers will almost certainly result in more potential clients visiting your website.

Lazychat to kickstart your business

If you are a newbie entrepreneur, signing up for the LazyChat starter package can make your life easier. An all-in-one tool to handle businesses, LazyChat handles orders and manages customer queries through chatbox. It is also currently available on Facebook messenger, so you can get a pre-designed Webview automatically built for your page, thus providing a unique shopping experience for consumers. By incorporating LazyChat, since orders and FAQs are getting managed without effort on your part, you will be able to focus on the business growth. Moreover, the customer data gained through LazyChat will be helpful for localize customer creation.

Final Words

While beginning a new business can be challenging, don’t allow this to dampen your spirits! Make use of a combination of these tactics and draw lessons from your mistakes. Eventually, you will make your first ten sales, and possibly much more!

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